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The Seven Dhatus

seven body tissues sapta dhatu

Dhatus are the seven bodily tissues that hold and contain structure of the organs within the body. They are:

  • Rasa / Plasma
  • Rakta / Blood
  • Mamsa / Muscles
  • Meda / Fat
  • Asthi / Bones
  • Majja / Marrow
  • Shukra / Sperm and ovum
The capacity of your body to prevent disease depends of dhatus. Like doshas, dhatus are formed from the five basic elements. There is a close relationship between the doshas and the dhatus. Dhatus are governed by the three doshas, and any imbalance in them also causes imbalance in dhatus. 

Formation Of Dhatus:

Each dhatu has its own dhatvagni- metabolism or digestive fire. Dhatvagni performs synthesis of new tissues and yields energy for the function of tissue. Since dhatus support and derive from each other, affecting one can influence other.

The formation of dhatus occurs trough the ingestion of food. The nutrient once absorbed into the digestive tract is synthesized by the rasagni and transported to form rasa dhatu or body's plasma tissue. Rasa dhatu provides nourishment to every cell and tissue of the body. It is controlled by Kapha dosha.

Once the rasa dhatu is formed, the nutrients are refined through a process by raktagni and transported to form rakta dhatu or blood tissue. Rakta dhatu carries respiratory gasses and nutrients required for the basic life process. It is related with Pitta dosha.

Once the rakta dhatu is formed the nutrients are further refined by mamsagni and transported to form mamsa dhatu or muscle tissue. Mamsa dhatu provide physical strength, cover for bones and organs and helps in locomotor system. It is controlled by Kapha dosha.

Once the mamsa dhatu is formed nutrients are refined by medagni to produce meda dhatu or fat tissue. It's main function is lubricating the entire body system. Meda provides energy to the body and helps in maintaining the body temperature. It is controlled by Kapha dosha.

Once the meda dhatu is formed nutrients are refined by asthagni to produce asthi dhatu or bone tissue. Asthi dhatu consist of bone tissues including the cartilages. It's main function is to provide support to the muscle tissue. It is controlled by Vata dosha.

Once the asthi dhatu is formed nutrients are refined by majjagni to produce majja dhatu or red and white bone marrow. It's main functions are to fill in the bone cavities and give fullness to the body. It's main function is to provide viscidity to the body. It is controlled by Kapha dosha.

The remaining nutrients are synthesized by shukragni to form shukra dhatu or reproductive tissue (sperm / ovum). Shukra is the most important dhatu among all others because it has the capacity of producing new life. Semen nourishes the physical body, heart and intellect. It is controlled by Kapha dosha.

If you want to learn more about Ayurvedic physiology you should read Charaka Samhita - the most ancient and authoritative ayurvedic text studied by students of Ayurveda all over the world. 

Author: Ayurveda Tutorials

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